portion analytics

Data Solutions that drive growth

Past Portfolios


Automated Supplier Performance Deck

Data Model with user directed automation

  • Monthly performance data by brand, segment, country, region loaded into Power Pivot provided by client
  • Various mapping tables created for data transformation
  • Desired output charts and design, constructed in Excel
  • Output programmatically transferred into PowerPoint and saved

Software: Excel, PowerPoint

Automation: Power Query (M), Power Pivot (DAX), VBA

Time Saved

  • 10 hours per month (including monthly data upload)
  • 30 minutes per supplier deck down to 3 minutes

> 10-fold speed increase!

Other advantages

  • Time freed up by team members to concentrate on deeper analysis
  • Extremely fast turnaround time, when urgent requests made for performance updates (<3 minutes)


Failure curve analysis of shunt reactors

Mathematical model derivation and interpolation in python

  • Work with engineer specialists to collate and categorise failures
  • Working with project manager to assimilate results into project update decks
  • Mathematical derivation of failure curve
  • Extrapolation of failure curves over time, generated and displayed in python

Software: Python, Excel, PowerPoint

Data-Analysis: Python (SciPy, NumPy)

Potential upside

  • The analysis generated from the project formed the basis upon which the maintenance strategy at 50hertz will be dictated over the next 20 years
  • Understanding the components that lead to the failures and designing a maintencase strategy there upon may lead to savings in the millions of Euros range

Other advantages

  • Methodology of deriving and extrapolating failure curve was documented and can be reproduced


Bundled multi orders

Strategic Analysis

  • Conduct an in-depth historical analysis to ascertain the scope of and frequency of customers who placed multiple orders within a short timeframe
  • Develop a timeframe strategy and method for how orders may be bundled, and consider any relevant nuances
  • Create a model that estimates logistic savings to validate the concept

Software/Analysis: Snowflake SQL, Power BI

Savings made

  • The idea proved to be sound and would deliver significant savings
  • The concept was forwarded to the product team for development and implementation

Other advantages

  • The newly developed operational change would have increased customer satisfaction

portion analytics

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